The essence of these sentences is a consequence of the interpretation of a scientific article published in 2008, with the title: “A INFLUÊNCIA DE PARÂMETROS AMBIENTAIS NA COMPETITIVIDADE E TECNOLOGIA PARA O SETOR DE ROCHAS ORNAMENTAIS”, by designer Ludson Zampirolli.
NFT_PHRASES is a collection of images with phrases authored and signed by Ludson Zampiroli. A limited collection of 50 sets of NFT’s, with authorization for publication and image use by the author.
People and companies that believe in true information, science and intelligence to defend society’s use of natural stones can buy an NFT from this collection. The authenticity, the pioneering spirit in the NFT’s scene with natural stones, and the constant productions of Design by Ludson Zampirolli provide a high potential for market appreciation of this limited, exclusive and unique collection.
It took years of preparation and research for the publication of this article, demonstrating in a solid, quantitative and technical way what the sustainability of natural stones to the future.
This research demonstrates all the reason, logic and common sense to select Natural Stone as raw material for the production of design for the best and most conscientious Architecture and Interior Design offices.