NFT services
Today, Zidea launches the best NFT proposals with the executive competence (Design+Brazilian Natural Stones):
*The 1st NFT of a natural stone product in the world, the Sea_Sink. A partnership with @Polita.naturalstone. The concept of “digital twin”.

*Buy the production of a design piece and have your NFT. Whatsapp/WeeChat: +55 27 98135-0029
*The 1st NFT of a seal as a manifesto in defense of natural stones. A collection (GreenArch) of impact phrases signed by Ludson Zampirolli. Limited seals for special collectors.
*The 1st NFT of a natural stone block for architects and interior designers. A design experience guided by Ludson Zampirolli.
*NFT as signature. A Token as a Design Authorship Certificate. Numbered pieces with a certificate of respect for authorship and good sustainability practices.
*NFT’s to integrate Metaverse, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D projects etc.
*Tenha a assinaturNFT’s to integrate Architectural and Real Estate Tokens